Eros (Love) is a quick one, and knows nothing of slow bride-grooms! 5. 65. For I once went with our father into the house of oracle, and there I saw the Pythian image; and when I saw your vagrant, I thought I saw the statue of Phoibos again in this place. 3 : Gerber) (Greek elegiac C6th B.C.) 66. Third appeared Agaue (Agave), who afterwards married with the giant stock and bore a son like to her fangform husband [Ekhion (Echion)]. 7. 3 (trans. This led to Semele's destruction when she foolishly demanded that Zeus prove his identity by displaying himself in all his glory as the lord of heaven. "Libyans . ", Homeric Hymn 2 to Pythian Apollo 186 ff (trans. Trusting this, they made these two their leaders in the campaign, and did indeed defeat the Illyrians. : Strabo, Geography 7. Oldfather) (Greek historian C1st B.C.) Pearse) (Greek mythographer C1st to C2nd A.D.) : Pseudo-Hyginus, Preface (trans. "For thou wast wearing, Argia [at her marriage to Polyneikes (Polynices)], the ill-starred ornament of thy husband's giving, the dread necklace of Harmonia. . ", Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. With the two mouths on each side, where is the beginning and the end, was a golden eagle that seemed to be cutting the open air, upright between the serpent's heads, high-shining with fourfold nozzle of the four wings. . "From their [Ares and Aphrodite's adulterous] embrace Harmonia was born, and to her Minerva [Athene] and Vulcan [Hephaistos (Hephaestus)] gave a robe dipped in crimes as a gift. When the truth about Oedipus was later discovered, Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus tore out his own eyes. ", Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. ", Callimachus, Aetia Fragment 11 : 18 (trans. 15 (trans. What a man to court you, most blessed of women! World-famed maiden, you are more blessed than your mother for Olympian desire and Olympian marriage! and she decided to design a city named after Beroe, being possessed with a passion to make her city as good as [those of the other gods] . Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : Aye, the Kharites (Charites, Graces) manage his whole body: hands and fingers I shrink to judge, or I may find fault with the whiteness of milk. As she spoke, her mother in distress wiped the raindrops from that mourning face: torn between two, she pitied Harmonia and shrank from the threats of Zeus. 7 ff (trans. Not Pasithea, eldest of the gracious sisters, nor Decor (Charm) nor the Idalian youth did mould it, but Luctus (Grief) [Penthos], and all the Irae (Passions), and Dolor (Anguish) and Discordia (Discord) [Eris], with all the craft of her right hand. 8 (trans. The oracle of Zeus foretells that you, at the head of a barbaric horde, shall with your wife drive forth a pair of heifers yoked, and with your countless army destroy many cities; but when they plunder Loxias' oracle, they shall find a miserable homecoming. 263 ff : : The descendants and relations of Oedipus all suffered various personal tragedies, as described in Sophocles' "Three Theban Plays": Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone. she was transformed by the god into a serpent].", Statius, Thebaid 4. 2 : 16. The Necklace of Harmonia, also called the Necklace of Eriphyle, was a fabled object in Greek mythology that, according to legend, brought great misfortune to all of its wearers or owners, who were primarily queens and princesses of the ill-fated House of Thebes. Harmonia and Cadmus were both later transformed into serpents (dragons in some versions of the myth). 715 ff (trans. Right in the middle of the other, the Indian agate spat out its liquid light, gently shining in bright beauty. They crawled for cover to a copse nearby; and still, what they once were, they keeping in mind, quiet snakes, that neither shun nor harm mankind. . Where the two heads of the serpent came together from both sides, the mouths gaped wide and enclosed the eagle with both their jaws, enfolding it from this side and that. Following a string of family catastrophes the couple emmigrated to Illyria where they battled various local tribes to found a new kingdom. to C1st A.D.) : Statius, Thebaid 2. Save you, my country! Athenian Red Figure Vase Painting C5th B.C. ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. : The first has the name of revolving Selene [the Moon]; the second is called of Hermes [planet Mercury], a shining tabled of gold, upon which are wrought all the secrets of law; the third has your name [Aphrodite the planet Venus], a rosy tablet, for it has the shape of your star in the East; the fourth is Helios [the Sun], cental navel of the seven travelling planets; the fifth is called Ares [the planet Mars], red and fiery; the sixth is called Phaethon [the planet Jupiter], the planet of Kronides [Zeus]; the seventh shows the name of highmoving Kronos (Cronus) [the planet Saturn]. ", Pindar, Dithyrambs Heracles the Bold : 18. 7 ff (trans. ", Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. ", Aeschylus, Suppliant Women 1035 ff (trans. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 1. And laid his right arm unweaponed about Aphrodite, while he sounded the spirit of the Erotes (Loves) on his wedding-trumpet answering the panspipes: he had shaken off from his helmet head the plumes of horsehair so familiar in the battlefield, and wreathed bloodless garlands about his hair, weaving a merry song for Eros (Love). Her mother's [actually her foster mother Elektra's (Electra's)] father the stooping Libyan Atlas awoke a tune of the heavenly harp to join the revels, and with tripping foot he twirled the heavens round like a ball, while he sang a stave of harmony himself not far away. 5 (trans. : . The extent of their suffering as a result of Harmonia wearing the Necklace is debatable because Cadmus and Harmonia are said to have ascended to the paradise of the Elysian Fields after their transformation. "When he [Kadmos (Cadmus)] arrived in Boiotia (Boeotia), in obedience to the oracle which he had received he founded the city of Thebes. 1. Select Papyri III, No. Your husband Zeus who rules in the heights needs no Kadmos. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. Kadmos gave Harmonia a robe and the necklace fashioned by Hephaistos (Hephaestus), which some say Hephaistos gave to Kadmos, although Pherekydes (Pherecydes) [Greek poet C6th B.C.] 3 (trans. Whenever he moved his full eyes with their heart-gladdening glance, there was the full moon shining with sparkling light; when he shook his hair and bared his neck, there appeared the morning star! And all the gods left the sky for a wedding feast in the Kadmeia (Cadmeia), where they sang hymns. So the Maurusian people of the desert because of her beauty were stung with mad lust of robber warfare, and took arms, a horrible barbarian Ares wild with passion. If my bedfellow carried me to the sunrise this voyage, I will proclaim how Orion loved Erigeneia [Eos the Dawn], and I will recall the match of Kephalos (Cephalus); if I go to the misty sunset, my comfort is Selene (the Moon) herself who felt the same for Endymion upon Latmos. Have a care then for Justice (Dike), and grant harmony to the world, you who are Harmonia, the saviour of life! . 1 : Philostratus the Elder, Imagines 1. Kadmos ruled the Illyrians, and fathered a son named Illyrios, Later on, both he and Harmonia were turned into serpents, and were sent by Zeus out to the Elysian field. 231 ff : In either case, the necklace was wrought by Hephaestus' own hand and was cursed to bring disaster to any who wore it. This wedding of Kadmos and Harmonia was the first, we are told, for which the gods provided the marriage-feast, and Demeter, becoming enamoured of Iasion, presented him with the fruit of the corn, Hermes gave a lyre, Athene the renowned necklace and a robe and a flute, and Elektra the sacred rites of the Great Mother of the Gods [Rhea], as she is called, together with cymbals and kettledrums and the instruments of the ritual; and Apollon played upon the lyre and the Mousai (Muses) upon their flutes, and the rest of the gods spoke them fair and gave the pair their aid in the celebration of the weding. She is the Kyprian's (Cyprian's) daughter, guarded for your bride-chamber, another Kypris (Cypris) for you to receive. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : iv. . Although no solid description of the Necklace exists, it is usually described in ancient Greek passages as being of beautifully wrought gold, in the shape of two serpents whose open mouths formed a clasp, and inlaid with various jewels. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : But since you ask me about the directing laws, this prerogative I keep for the eldest of cities. Often she pressed to her with open hand and loving arm her baby son and his age-mate girl, on this side and that taking turns of the sap from her rich breast; and she set on her knees the manly boy with the womanly girl, letting out the gold of her lowered gown so as to join thigh parted wide from neighbour thigh; or singing songs for a sleep-charm, lulled both her babies to slumber with foster-mother's art, while she stretched her arm enclosing the children's necks, made her own knee their bed, fluttered the flap of her garment fanning the two faces, to keep the little ones cool, and quenched the waves of heat as the hand-made wind poured outs its breath against it. 18. 2 ; Schol. . 2 (trans. [2.1] ZEUS & ELEKTRA (Diodorus Siculus 5.48.2), [1.1] INO, SEMELE, AGAUE, AUTONOE, POLYDOROS (by Kadmos) (Hesiod Theogony 975, Apollodorus 3.25, Diodorus Siculus 4.2.1, Hyginus Fabulae 179, Nonnus Dionysiaca 5.88) Michael Stewart - Greek Mythology: From the Iliad to the Fall of the Last Tyrant, Greek Mythology Link (Carlos Parada) - Robe & Necklace of Harmonia, Classical mythology in western art and literature,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 March 2022, at 09:06. Harmonia gave to Aphrodite the surname of Ourania to signify a love pure and free from bodily lust; that of Pandemos, to denote sexual intercourse; the third, that of Apostrophia, that mankind may reject unlawful passion and sinful acts. . 565 ff : After she had worn it for a time, her son was seized with madness and set fire to the house, where she perished in the flames along with all her worldly treasures. Polyneices, who inherited it, gave it to Eriphyle, that she might persuade her husband, Amphiaraus, to undertake the expedition against Thebes. 167; Stat. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) Here is a great marvel! Last Argia shines in the splendour of the gift, and in pride of ornament and accursed gold surpassed her sister's mean attiring. Vellacott) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) A temple of Harmonia (Concord) can be seen on the spot to this very day. Such was the word of prophecy that she learnt. "[At the wedding of Kadmos (Cadmus) and Harmonia :] Aphrodite wishing to delight Ares in the deep shrewdness of her mind, clasped a golden necklace showing place about the girl's [Harmonia] blushing neck, a clever work of Hephaistos (Hephaestus) set with sparkling gems in masterly refinement. : . ", Statius, Thebaid 2. When the maiden heard of this marriage of much wandering and this unstable husband, this homeless man under their roof, she declared she would have no stranger, and refused all that Kadmos' patron proposed on Zeus his father's behalf, that cattle-drover Hermes! I follow my boy, calling upon the goddesses who have wedded theirs! He became enraged and vowed to avenge himself for Aphrodite's infidelity by cursing any lineage of children resulting from the affair. His daughters too have made him a name; Semele was famed for having a child by Zeus, Ino for being a divinity of the sea. 106 ff : iii. 8 (trans. Cadmus, what now? And in the train of their mother are Pothos (Desire) and she to whom nothing is denied, winning Peitho (Persuasion); and to Harmonia has been given a share of Aphrodite, and to the whispering touches of the Erotes (Loves). But you will say, the deep is pitiless; I care nothing for the maddened surges--let Harmonia and Kadmos drown together, and my mother's sea receive us both. The Libyan army named her Kharis (Charis, Grace), for the Bistonian girl bloomed like another Kharis of this world and even more dainty, and the Kharites' (Charites') Hill of Libya had its name from her. "The daughters of the Aionians [i.e. . ", Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 159 : Kronides (Cronides) forgive me--divine Hermes lied in what he said about Father Zeus. ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. [N.B. Even as he spoke he was a snake that stretched along the ground. 86 ff (trans. Tremble not at the heavy-rumbling briny swell, because love's cargo will be kept safe on the brine by Aphrodite daughter of the brine. 139) (Greek poetry C4th A.D.) : Statius, Silvae 1. Harmonia grew up and was later betrothed to Cadmus of Thebes. "[Kadmos (Cadmus) laments the unhappy fates of his children:] Fine bridal gifts Kronion (Cronion) [Zeus god of fate] gave me with Harmonia! Hephaistos lifted upon Harmonia's head a crown plumed with precious stones of many colours, a golden circlet hung over her temples. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) You shall transmute your nature, and become a serpent. 48. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.)
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